


Jonas Hörsch, Fabian Hofmann, David Schlachtberger, and Tom Brown. Pypsa-eur: an open optimisation model of the European transmission system. Energy Strategy Reviews, 22:207–215, 2018. arXiv:1806.01613, doi:10.1016/j.esr.2018.08.012.


Fabian Neumann, Elisabeth Zeyen, Marta Victoria, and Tom Brown. The potential role of a hydrogen network in Europe. 2022. arXiv:2207.05816.


T. Brown, D. Schlachtberger, A. Kies, S. Schramm, and M. Greiner. Synergies of sector coupling and transmission reinforcement in a cost-optimised, highly renewable European energy system. Energy, 160:720–739, 2018. doi:10.1016/


Marta Victoria, Elisabeth Zeyen, and Tom Brown. Speed of technological transformations required in Europe to achieve different climate goals. Joule, 6(5):1066–1086, 2022. arXiv:2109.09563, doi:10.1016/j.joule.2022.04.016.


Marta Victoria, Kun Zhu, Tom Brown, Gorm B. Andresen, and Martin Greiner. Early decarbonisation of the European energy system pays off. Nature Communications, 11(1):6223, 2020. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20015-4.


David P. Schlachtberger, Tom Brown, Mirko Schäfer, Stefan Schramm, and Martin Greiner. Cost optimal scenarios of a future highly renewable European electricity system: Exploring the influence of weather data, cost parameters and policy constraints. Energy, 163:100–114, 2018. arXiv:, doi:10/gfk5cj.


Elisabeth Zeyen, Veit Hagenmeyer, and Tom Brown. Mitigating heat demand peaks in buildings in a highly renewable European energy system. Energy, 231:120784, 2021. URL:, doi:10.1016/


Elisabeth Zeyen, Marta Victoria, and Tom Brown. Endogenous learning for green hydrogen in a sector-coupled energy model for Europe. 2022. URL:


M. Millinger, L. Reichenberg, F. Hedenus, G. Berndes, E. Zeyen, and T. Brown. Are biofuel mandates cost-effective? - an analysis of transport fuels and biomass usage to achieve emissions targets in the european energy system. Applied Energy, 326:120016, 2022. doi:


Martha Maria Frysztacki, Veit Hagenmeyer, and Tom Brown. Inverse methods: How feasible are spatially low-resolved capacity expansion modeling results when dis-aggregated at high resolution? 2022. URL:


Martha Maria Frysztacki, Jonas Hörsch, Veit Hagenmeyer, and Tom Brown. The strong effect of network resolution on electricity system models with high shares of wind and solar. Applied Energy, 291:116726, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116726.


Martha Frysztacki and Tom Brown. Modeling Curtailment in Germany: How Spatial Resolution Impacts Line Congestion. In 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1–7. IEEE, 2020. doi:10.1109/EEM49802.2020.9221886.


Martha Maria Frysztacki, Gereon Recht, and Tom Brown. A comparison of clustering methods for the spatial reduction of renewable electricity optimisation models of Europe. Energy Informatics, 5(1):4, 2022. URL:, doi:10.1186/s42162-022-00187-7.


Fabian Neumann and Tom Brown. The near-optimal feasible space of a renewable power system model. Electric Power Systems Research, 190:106690, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106690.


Fabian Neumann, Veit Hagenmeyer, and Tom Brown. Assessments of linear power flow and transmission loss approximations in coordinated capacity expansion problems. Applied Energy, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118859.


Fabian Neumann. Costs of regional equity and autarky in a renewable European power system. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2021.100652.


Philipp K. Rose and Fabian Neumann. Hydrogen refueling station networks for heavy-duty vehicles in future power systems. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 83:102358, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2020.102358.


Fabian Neumann and Tom Brown. Heuristics for Transmission Expansion Planning in Low-Carbon Energy System Models. In 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1–8. IEEE, 2019. doi:10.1109/EEM.2019.8916411.


Fabian Neumann and Tom Brown. Broad Ranges of Investment Configurations for Renewable Power Systems, Robust to Cost Uncertainty and Near-Optimality. 2021. URL:


Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, Elisabeth Zeyen, Martha Frysztacki, Fabian Neumann, and Tom Brown. Long-Term Benefits for Renewables Integration of Network Boosters for Corrective Grid Security. 2021. URL:


Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, Fabian Neumann, and Tom Brown. Topology-based approximations for N - 1 contingency constraints in power transmission networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 137:107702, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.107702.


Jonas Horsch and Tom Brown. The role of spatial scale in joint optimisations of generation and transmission for European highly renewable scenarios. In 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1–7. IEEE, 2017. doi:10.1109/EEM.2017.7982024.


D.P. Schlachtberger, T. Brown, S. Schramm, and M. Greiner. The benefits of cooperation in a highly renewable European electricity network. Energy, 134:469–481, 2017. doi:10.1016/


Philipp Glaum and Fabian Hofmann. Enhancing the German Transmission Grid Through Dynamic Line Rating. 2022. URL:


Maximilian Parzen, Hazem Abdel-Khalek, Ekaterina Fedorova, Matin Mahmood, Martha Maria Frysztacki, Johannes Hampp, Lukas Franken, Leon Schumm, Fabian Neumann, Davide Poli, Aristides Kiprakis, and Davide Fioriti. PyPSA-Earth. A New Global Open Energy System Optimization Model Demonstrated in Africa. 2022. URL: