Tutorial: Sector-Coupled#


If you have not done it yet, follow the Installation steps first.

Also, checkout the tutorial for electricity-only systems first at Tutorial: Electricity-Only.

In this tutorial, we will add further sectors to the electricity-only model from Tutorial: Electricity-Only, namely industry, transport, and buildings. This requires processing of a few more raw data sources.

The sector-coupling code can be run as an overnight / greenfield scenario or with multi-horizon investment with myopic foresight. Pathway analysis with perfect foresight is under development. See also the documentation on Foresight Options.

Overnight Scenarios#


The default configuration file (config/config.default.yaml) is set up for running overnight scenarios. Running a sector-coupled model unlocks many further configuration options. In the example below, we say that the gas network should be added and spatially resolved. We also say that the existing gas network may be retrofitted to transport hydrogen instead.

  gas_network: true
  H2_retrofit: true

Documentation for all options will be added successively to Configuration.

Scenarios can be defined like for electricity-only studies, but with additional wildcard options.

  - v1.5
  - 5
  - CO2L0-24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1
  - 2030

For allowed wildcard values, refer to Wildcards.


To run an overnight / greenfiled scenario with the specifications above, run

snakemake -call all --configfile config/test/config.overnight.yaml

which will result in the following jobs snakemake wants to run, some of which were already included in the electricity-only tutorial:

job                                                 count
------------------------------------------------  -------
add_electricity                                         1
add_extra_components                                    1
all                                                     1
base_network                                            1
build_ammonia_production                                1
build_biomass_potentials                                1
build_bus_regions                                       1
build_clustered_population_layouts                      1
build_cop_profiles                                      1
build_daily_heat_demand                                 1
build_district_heat_share                               1
build_electricity_demand                                1
build_energy_totals                                     1
build_gas_input_locations                               1
build_gas_network                                       1
build_hourly_heat_demand                                1
build_industrial_distribution_key                       1
build_industrial_energy_demand_per_country_today        1
build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node                 1
build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node_today           1
build_industrial_production_per_country                 1
build_industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow        1
build_industrial_production_per_node                    1
build_industry_sector_ratios                            1
build_industry_sector_ratios_intermediate               1
build_population_layouts                                1
build_population_weighted_energy_totals                 1
build_powerplants                                       1
build_renewable_profiles                                4
build_salt_cavern_potentials                            1
build_shapes                                            1
build_ship_raster                                       1
build_shipping_demand                                   1
build_simplified_population_layouts                     1
build_temperature_profiles                              3
build_transport_demand                                  1
cluster_gas_network                                     1
cluster_network                                         1
copy_config                                             1
make_summary                                            1
plot_gas_network                                        1
plot_hydrogen_network                                   1
plot_power_network                                      1
plot_power_network_clustered                            1
plot_summary                                            1
prepare_network                                         1
prepare_sector_network                                  1
retrieve_cost_data                                      1
retrieve_databundle                                     1
retrieve_electricity_demand                             1
retrieve_gas_infrastructure_data                        1
retrieve_natura_raster                                  1
retrieve_sector_databundle                              1
simplify_network                                        1
solve_sector_network                                    1
total                                                  60

This covers the retrieval of additional raw data from online resources and preprocessing data about the transport, industry, and heating sectors as well as additional rules about geological storage and sequestration potentials, gas infrastructure, and biomass potentials. The collection rule all will also generate summary CSV files and plots after the network has been solved successfully.

digraph snakemake_dag {
    graph[bgcolor=white, margin=0];
    node[shape=box, style=rounded, fontname=sans,                 fontsize=10, penwidth=2];
    edge[penwidth=2, color=grey];
        0[label = "all", color = "0.55 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        1[label = "plot_summary", color = "0.31 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        2[label = "make_summary", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        3[label = "plot_power_network_clustered", color = "0.50 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        4[label = "cluster_network\nclusters: 5", color = "0.62 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        5[label = "simplify_network\nsimpl: ", color = "0.18 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        6[label = "add_electricity", color = "0.33 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        7[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: solar", color = "0.20 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        8[label = "base_network", color = "0.31 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        9[label = "build_shapes", color = "0.36 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        10[label = "retrieve_databundle", color = "0.29 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        11[label = "retrieve_natura_raster", color = "0.01 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        12[label = "build_bus_regions", color = "0.10 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        13[label = "retrieve_cutout\ncutout: be-03-2013-era5", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        14[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: onwind", color = "0.20 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        15[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-ac", color = "0.20 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        16[label = "build_ship_raster", color = "0.64 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        17[label = "retrieve_ship_raster", color = "0.64 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        18[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-dc", color = "0.20 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        19[label = "retrieve_cost_data\nyear: 2030", color = "0.12 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        20[label = "build_powerplants", color = "0.23 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        21[label = "build_electricity_demand", color = "0.54 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        22[label = "retrieve_electricity_demand", color = "0.07 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        23[label = "solve_sector_network", color = "0.41 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        24[label = "prepare_sector_network\nsector_opts: CO2L0-24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1", color = "0.22 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        25[label = "cluster_gas_network", color = "0.24 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        26[label = "build_gas_network", color = "0.10 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        27[label = "retrieve_gas_infrastructure_data", color = "0.17 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        28[label = "build_gas_input_locations", color = "0.16 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        29[label = "prepare_network\nll: v1.5\nopts: ", color = "0.49 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        30[label = "add_extra_components", color = "0.14 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        31[label = "build_energy_totals", color = "0.39 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        32[label = "retrieve_sector_databundle", color = "0.58 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        33[label = "build_population_weighted_energy_totals", color = "0.56 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        34[label = "build_clustered_population_layouts", color = "0.49 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        35[label = "build_population_layouts", color = "0.06 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        36[label = "build_shipping_demand", color = "0.47 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        37[label = "build_transport_demand", color = "0.45 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        38[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: total", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        39[label = "build_biomass_potentials\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.11 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        40[label = "build_salt_cavern_potentials", color = "0.15 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        41[label = "build_simplified_population_layouts", color = "0.46 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        42[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node", color = "0.63 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        43[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios_intermediate\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.07 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        44[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios", color = "0.59 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        45[label = "build_ammonia_production", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        46[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_country_today", color = "0.44 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        47[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country", color = "0.34 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        48[label = "build_industrial_production_per_node", color = "0.26 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        49[label = "build_industrial_distribution_key", color = "0.13 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        50[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.32 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        51[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node_today", color = "0.48 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        52[label = "build_hourly_heat_demand", color = "0.28 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        53[label = "build_daily_heat_demand\nscope: total", color = "0.28 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        54[label = "build_district_heat_share\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.52 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        55[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: rural", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        56[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: urban", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        57[label = "build_cop_profiles", color = "0.38 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        58[label = "copy_config", color = "0.19 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        59[label = "plot_power_network", color = "0.60 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        60[label = "plot_hydrogen_network", color = "0.27 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        61[label = "plot_gas_network", color = "0.08 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        1 -> 0
        2 -> 1
        32 -> 1
        3 -> 2
        23 -> 2
        19 -> 2
        59 -> 2
        60 -> 2
        61 -> 2
        4 -> 3
        5 -> 4
        19 -> 4
        6 -> 5
        19 -> 5
        12 -> 5
        7 -> 6
        14 -> 6
        15 -> 6
        18 -> 6
        8 -> 6
        19 -> 6
        12 -> 6
        20 -> 6
        10 -> 6
        21 -> 6
        9 -> 6
        8 -> 7
        10 -> 7
        11 -> 7
        9 -> 7
        12 -> 7
        13 -> 7
        9 -> 8
        10 -> 9
        9 -> 12
        8 -> 12
        8 -> 14
        10 -> 14
        11 -> 14
        9 -> 14
        12 -> 14
        13 -> 14
        8 -> 15
        10 -> 15
        11 -> 15
        16 -> 15
        9 -> 15
        12 -> 15
        13 -> 15
        17 -> 16
        13 -> 16
        8 -> 18
        10 -> 18
        11 -> 18
        16 -> 18
        9 -> 18
        12 -> 18
        13 -> 18
        8 -> 20
        22 -> 21
        24 -> 23
        58 -> 23
        25 -> 24
        28 -> 24
        29 -> 24
        31 -> 24
        32 -> 24
        33 -> 24
        36 -> 24
        37 -> 24
        39 -> 24
        19 -> 24
        15 -> 24
        18 -> 24
        40 -> 24
        5 -> 24
        4 -> 24
        34 -> 24
        41 -> 24
        42 -> 24
        52 -> 24
        54 -> 24
        38 -> 24
        55 -> 24
        56 -> 24
        57 -> 24
        26 -> 25
        4 -> 25
        27 -> 26
        27 -> 28
        4 -> 28
        30 -> 29
        19 -> 29
        4 -> 30
        19 -> 30
        9 -> 31
        32 -> 31
        31 -> 33
        34 -> 33
        35 -> 34
        4 -> 34
        13 -> 34
        9 -> 35
        13 -> 35
        9 -> 36
        4 -> 36
        31 -> 36
        34 -> 37
        33 -> 37
        31 -> 37
        32 -> 37
        38 -> 37
        35 -> 38
        4 -> 38
        13 -> 38
        32 -> 39
        4 -> 39
        10 -> 39
        9 -> 39
        32 -> 40
        4 -> 40
        35 -> 41
        5 -> 41
        13 -> 41
        43 -> 42
        48 -> 42
        51 -> 42
        44 -> 43
        46 -> 43
        47 -> 43
        45 -> 44
        32 -> 44
        32 -> 45
        32 -> 46
        47 -> 46
        45 -> 47
        32 -> 47
        49 -> 48
        50 -> 48
        4 -> 49
        34 -> 49
        32 -> 49
        47 -> 50
        49 -> 51
        46 -> 51
        53 -> 52
        35 -> 53
        4 -> 53
        13 -> 53
        31 -> 54
        34 -> 54
        35 -> 55
        4 -> 55
        13 -> 55
        35 -> 56
        4 -> 56
        13 -> 56
        38 -> 57
        55 -> 57
        56 -> 57
        23 -> 59
        4 -> 59
        23 -> 60
        4 -> 60
        23 -> 61
        4 -> 61

Myopic Foresight Scenarios#


To activate the myopic foresight mode, set

foresight: myopic

Scenarios can be defined like for electricity-only studies, but with additional wildcard options. For the myopic foresight mode, the {planning_horizons} wildcard defines the sequence of investment horizons.

  - v1.5
  - 5
  - 24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1
  - 2030
  - 2040
  - 2050

For allowed wildcard values, refer to Wildcards.

In the myopic foresight mode, you can tweak for instance exogenously given transition paths, like the one for the share of primary steel production we change below:

    2030: 0.6
    2040: 0.5
    2050: 0.4

Documentation for all options will be added successively to Configuration.


To run a myopic foresight scenario with the specifications above, run

snakemake -call all --configfile config/test/config.myopic.yaml

which will result in additional jobs snakemake wants to run, which translates to the following workflow diagram which nicely outlines how the sequential pathway optimisation with myopic foresight is implemented in the workflow:

digraph snakemake_dag {
    graph[bgcolor=white, margin=0];
    node[shape=box, style=rounded, fontname=sans,                 fontsize=10, penwidth=2];
    edge[penwidth=2, color=grey];
        0[label = "all", color = "0.46 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        1[label = "plot_summary", color = "0.40 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        2[label = "make_summary", color = "0.59 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        3[label = "plot_power_network_clustered", color = "0.17 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        4[label = "cluster_network\nclusters: 5", color = "0.49 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        5[label = "simplify_network\nsimpl: ", color = "0.16 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        6[label = "add_electricity", color = "0.32 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        7[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: solar", color = "0.63 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        8[label = "base_network", color = "0.12 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        9[label = "build_shapes", color = "0.23 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        10[label = "retrieve_databundle", color = "0.61 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        11[label = "retrieve_natura_raster", color = "0.50 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        12[label = "build_bus_regions", color = "0.51 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        13[label = "retrieve_cutout\ncutout: be-03-2013-era5", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        14[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: onwind", color = "0.63 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        15[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-ac", color = "0.63 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        16[label = "build_ship_raster", color = "0.24 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        17[label = "retrieve_ship_raster", color = "0.14 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        18[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-dc", color = "0.63 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        19[label = "retrieve_cost_data\nyear: 2030", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        20[label = "build_powerplants", color = "0.58 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        21[label = "build_electricity_demand", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        22[label = "retrieve_electricity_demand", color = "0.62 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        23[label = "solve_sector_network_myopic", color = "0.30 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        24[label = "add_existing_baseyear", color = "0.34 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        25[label = "prepare_sector_network\nsector_opts: 24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1", color = "0.42 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        26[label = "cluster_gas_network", color = "0.39 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        27[label = "build_gas_network", color = "0.59 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        28[label = "retrieve_gas_infrastructure_data", color = "0.15 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        29[label = "build_gas_input_locations", color = "0.07 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        30[label = "prepare_network\nll: v1.5\nopts: ", color = "0.56 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        31[label = "add_extra_components", color = "0.11 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        32[label = "build_energy_totals", color = "0.18 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        33[label = "retrieve_sector_databundle", color = "0.06 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        34[label = "build_population_weighted_energy_totals", color = "0.03 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        35[label = "build_clustered_population_layouts", color = "0.25 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        36[label = "build_population_layouts", color = "0.57 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        37[label = "build_shipping_demand", color = "0.45 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        38[label = "build_transport_demand", color = "0.18 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        39[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: total", color = "0.54 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        40[label = "build_biomass_potentials\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.41 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        41[label = "build_salt_cavern_potentials", color = "0.02 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        42[label = "build_simplified_population_layouts", color = "0.15 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        43[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node", color = "0.47 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        44[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios_intermediate\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.31 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        45[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios", color = "0.48 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        46[label = "build_ammonia_production", color = "0.00 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        47[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_country_today", color = "0.32 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        48[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country", color = "0.60 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        49[label = "build_industrial_production_per_node", color = "0.05 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        50[label = "build_industrial_distribution_key", color = "0.21 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        51[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.33 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        52[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node_today", color = "0.62 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        53[label = "build_hourly_heat_demand", color = "0.28 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        54[label = "build_daily_heat_demand\nscope: total", color = "0.22 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        55[label = "build_district_heat_share\nplanning_horizons: 2030", color = "0.21 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        56[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: rural", color = "0.54 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        57[label = "build_temperature_profiles\nscope: urban", color = "0.54 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        58[label = "build_cop_profiles", color = "0.52 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        59[label = "build_existing_heating_distribution", color = "0.09 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        60[label = "copy_config", color = "0.42 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        61[label = "solve_sector_network_myopic", color = "0.30 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        62[label = "add_brownfield", color = "0.10 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        63[label = "prepare_sector_network\nsector_opts: 24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1", color = "0.42 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        64[label = "build_biomass_potentials\nplanning_horizons: 2040", color = "0.41 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        65[label = "retrieve_cost_data\nyear: 2040", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        66[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node", color = "0.47 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        67[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios_intermediate\nplanning_horizons: 2040", color = "0.31 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        68[label = "build_industrial_production_per_node", color = "0.05 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        69[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow\nplanning_horizons: 2040", color = "0.33 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        70[label = "build_district_heat_share\nplanning_horizons: 2040", color = "0.21 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        71[label = "solve_sector_network_myopic", color = "0.30 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        72[label = "add_brownfield", color = "0.10 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        73[label = "prepare_sector_network\nsector_opts: 24h-T-H-B-I-A-dist1", color = "0.42 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        74[label = "build_biomass_potentials\nplanning_horizons: 2050", color = "0.41 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        75[label = "retrieve_cost_data\nyear: 2050", color = "0.04 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        76[label = "build_industrial_energy_demand_per_node", color = "0.47 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        77[label = "build_industry_sector_ratios_intermediate\nplanning_horizons: 2050", color = "0.31 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        78[label = "build_industrial_production_per_node", color = "0.05 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        79[label = "build_industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow\nplanning_horizons: 2050", color = "0.33 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        80[label = "build_district_heat_share\nplanning_horizons: 2050", color = "0.21 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        81[label = "plot_power_network", color = "0.48 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        82[label = "plot_power_network", color = "0.48 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        83[label = "plot_power_network", color = "0.48 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        84[label = "plot_hydrogen_network", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        85[label = "plot_hydrogen_network", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        86[label = "plot_hydrogen_network", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        1 -> 0
        2 -> 1
        33 -> 1
        3 -> 2
        23 -> 2
        61 -> 2
        71 -> 2
        19 -> 2
        81 -> 2
        82 -> 2
        83 -> 2
        84 -> 2
        85 -> 2
        86 -> 2
        4 -> 3
        5 -> 4
        19 -> 4
        6 -> 5
        19 -> 5
        12 -> 5
        7 -> 6
        14 -> 6
        15 -> 6
        18 -> 6
        8 -> 6
        19 -> 6
        12 -> 6
        20 -> 6
        10 -> 6
        21 -> 6
        9 -> 6
        8 -> 7
        10 -> 7
        11 -> 7
        9 -> 7
        12 -> 7
        13 -> 7
        9 -> 8
        10 -> 9
        9 -> 12
        8 -> 12
        8 -> 14
        10 -> 14
        11 -> 14
        9 -> 14
        12 -> 14
        13 -> 14
        8 -> 15
        10 -> 15
        11 -> 15
        16 -> 15
        9 -> 15
        12 -> 15
        13 -> 15
        17 -> 16
        13 -> 16
        8 -> 18
        10 -> 18
        11 -> 18
        16 -> 18
        9 -> 18
        12 -> 18
        13 -> 18
        8 -> 20
        22 -> 21
        24 -> 23
        19 -> 23
        60 -> 23
        25 -> 24
        20 -> 24
        5 -> 24
        4 -> 24
        35 -> 24
        19 -> 24
        58 -> 24
        59 -> 24
        26 -> 25
        29 -> 25
        30 -> 25
        32 -> 25
        33 -> 25
        34 -> 25
        37 -> 25
        38 -> 25
        40 -> 25
        19 -> 25
        15 -> 25
        18 -> 25
        41 -> 25
        5 -> 25
        4 -> 25
        35 -> 25
        42 -> 25
        43 -> 25
        53 -> 25
        55 -> 25
        39 -> 25
        56 -> 25
        57 -> 25
        58 -> 25
        27 -> 26
        4 -> 26
        28 -> 27
        28 -> 29
        4 -> 29
        31 -> 30
        19 -> 30
        4 -> 31
        19 -> 31
        9 -> 32
        33 -> 32
        32 -> 34
        35 -> 34
        36 -> 35
        4 -> 35
        13 -> 35
        9 -> 36
        13 -> 36
        9 -> 37
        4 -> 37
        32 -> 37
        35 -> 38
        34 -> 38
        32 -> 38
        33 -> 38
        39 -> 38
        36 -> 39
        4 -> 39
        13 -> 39
        33 -> 40
        4 -> 40
        10 -> 40
        9 -> 40
        33 -> 41
        4 -> 41
        36 -> 42
        5 -> 42
        13 -> 42
        44 -> 43
        49 -> 43
        52 -> 43
        45 -> 44
        47 -> 44
        48 -> 44
        46 -> 45
        33 -> 45
        33 -> 46
        33 -> 47
        48 -> 47
        46 -> 48
        33 -> 48
        50 -> 49
        51 -> 49
        4 -> 50
        35 -> 50
        33 -> 50
        48 -> 51
        50 -> 52
        47 -> 52
        54 -> 53
        36 -> 54
        4 -> 54
        13 -> 54
        32 -> 55
        35 -> 55
        36 -> 56
        4 -> 56
        13 -> 56
        36 -> 57
        4 -> 57
        13 -> 57
        39 -> 58
        56 -> 58
        57 -> 58
        35 -> 59
        34 -> 59
        55 -> 59
        62 -> 61
        65 -> 61
        60 -> 61
        7 -> 62
        14 -> 62
        15 -> 62
        18 -> 62
        5 -> 62
        4 -> 62
        63 -> 62
        23 -> 62
        65 -> 62
        58 -> 62
        26 -> 63
        29 -> 63
        30 -> 63
        32 -> 63
        33 -> 63
        34 -> 63
        37 -> 63
        38 -> 63
        64 -> 63
        65 -> 63
        15 -> 63
        18 -> 63
        41 -> 63
        5 -> 63
        4 -> 63
        35 -> 63
        42 -> 63
        66 -> 63
        53 -> 63
        70 -> 63
        39 -> 63
        56 -> 63
        57 -> 63
        58 -> 63
        33 -> 64
        4 -> 64
        10 -> 64
        9 -> 64
        67 -> 66
        68 -> 66
        52 -> 66
        45 -> 67
        47 -> 67
        48 -> 67
        50 -> 68
        69 -> 68
        48 -> 69
        32 -> 70
        35 -> 70
        72 -> 71
        75 -> 71
        60 -> 71
        7 -> 72
        14 -> 72
        15 -> 72
        18 -> 72
        5 -> 72
        4 -> 72
        73 -> 72
        61 -> 72
        75 -> 72
        58 -> 72
        26 -> 73
        29 -> 73
        30 -> 73
        32 -> 73
        33 -> 73
        34 -> 73
        37 -> 73
        38 -> 73
        74 -> 73
        75 -> 73
        15 -> 73
        18 -> 73
        41 -> 73
        5 -> 73
        4 -> 73
        35 -> 73
        42 -> 73
        76 -> 73
        53 -> 73
        80 -> 73
        39 -> 73
        56 -> 73
        57 -> 73
        58 -> 73
        33 -> 74
        4 -> 74
        10 -> 74
        9 -> 74
        77 -> 76
        78 -> 76
        52 -> 76
        45 -> 77
        47 -> 77
        48 -> 77
        50 -> 78
        79 -> 78
        48 -> 79
        32 -> 80
        35 -> 80
        23 -> 81
        4 -> 81
        61 -> 82
        4 -> 82
        71 -> 83
        4 -> 83
        23 -> 84
        4 -> 84
        61 -> 85
        4 -> 85
        71 -> 86
        4 -> 86


If you now feel confident and want to tackle runs with larger temporal, technological and spatial scope, clean-up the repository and after modifying the config/config.yaml file target the collection rule all again without providing the test configuration file.

snakemake -call purge
snakemake -call all


It is good practice to perform a dry-run using the option -n, before you commit to a run:

snakemake -call all -n